Knowing the Score
In this provocative video presentation, distinguished pianist Malcolm Bilson poses the question, "Do we really know how to read the musical notation of the 18th- and 19th-century masters, and how can a better informed reading lead to more expressive, even passionate performance?"
“Bilson puts his ideas into practice in a sparkling performance of a Haydn sonata filmed in the music room at Eszterháza, and there is an informative discussion between Bilson and David Owen Norris about different kinds of historical pianos in Bilson's music room.”David Vickers, Gramophone

Knowing the Score, Vol. 2 - A Supplement
Building on the success of his acclaimed DVD Knowing the Score, Malcolm Bilson has released Knowing the Score, Vol. 2 - A Supplement. Bilson examines in far greater detail works by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert and challenges the conventional execution of these works. His readings will be construed by some as daring, by others as revelatory.
“Bilson speaks in a beguiling and humorous style, explaining and demonstrating marvelously his musical examples to the audience.” Carsten Dürer, Piano-News

Performing the Score
Five years after the appearance of his widely acclaimed DVD Knowing the Score, in which aspects of earlier notations were discussed and elucidated, pianist Malcolm Bilson teams up with violinist Elizabeth Field to consider the realization of these notations, especially in works involving more than a single instrument.
“Performing the Score is a worthy sequel to Knowing the Score, and it will certainly provide all viewers, whether in the "modern" field or the early music field, with much-needed food for thought.” Sylvia Berry, Early Music America, Winter 2012